zaterdag 1 november 2014

Sydney, october 2014

Hi everyone,

Hot dub, bridge climb, lamb on the spit.. Yep, crazy things these couple of days!

Day 12: friday
Kevin and I have absolutely no idea what we did during the day, but we do remember what we did at night. We went to Hot Dub time machine, it was so cool! Best thing ever.

Day 13: saturday
One of the coolest birthday presents this year, was a bridge climb! I was so nervous, yet so excited to do something this awesome. Barbe dropped us of quite early so we could do the bridge climb. Unfortunately we were not allowed to bring a camera up, so we just have these two photo's. It was the most amazing thing ever and I really recommend you doing it if you were to go down under. I felt really sick(I got a cold) and felt like throwing up so we went straight back. My cousin Connor came back home for a weekend and he took Kevin surfing. Never knew my boy would look so sexy in a wetsuit!

Day 14: sunday
Right before we left, Patty(one of the women I was in Bali with) made an event on Facebook saying: Greek barbecue for Kevin and Shannon. Uhh, yum! Ever since Bali Patty has been saying she was going to make us lamb. Didn't really know what to expect, but oh my god! I can tell you, the amount of food there was, could feed a small country. And every single thing tasted amazing. Patty, can I take you home please? As soon as we were all out of our food coma's, Barbe wanted to do a day of the dead tutorial on me. See here!

Day 15: monday
Like I told you the other day, we got a really good deal and got to do a lot of things! One of them, was the Sydney eye tower. We went there, went up and got this amazing 360 degree view over the city. You could see everything(not as good as standing on a bridge, yet good)! We had lunch in the tower at this place called ThaiRiffic and let me tell you, it was probably the best curry I ever had.

ps: please my blog on Facebook here!

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