woensdag 15 januari 2014

New York, october 2012

Hi everyone,

I've been looking trough my photo's the last couple of days and decided photo's of NYC just had to be shared, right;)? I fell in love with this city as soon as we landed. While waiting for a taxi, we got a real American welcome: a fight. Two couples fighting over a bag, really funny, yet scary. Anywho, here are my photo's! Enjoy.

 Selfie in the car on our way to the airport!
 Blue plane, blue sky.
 Hello JFK airport.
 First NYC selfie!
 Unpacking, how small is this bed?!
 Some shopping at Schiphol airport.
 Uhm, ok?
 Op de pot in the Pod.
 Times Square.
 So New York.
 My neck seriously hurt after 5 days of looking up.
 911 memorial.

 Beautiful skyline!

 Our hotel!

 Brooklyn bridge

 Please do not mind the hand.

 Statue of liberty.

 I was interviewed. They wanted to know how I felt about the sexy A&F dudes.

 My favourite museum ever!

 Central park + a hotdog = a true New York experience.

 The damage, side note: this wasn't even everything!
 You know, just using the iPad.

My favourite purchases!

Have you've ever been to New York? I love that city so much. I just have to go back there with Kevin someday.
Have a nice day,

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