maandag 8 september 2014

The salad diaries: ceasar salad

Hi everyone,

I just finished eating this amazing tasting salad - Kevin is actually still eating his. I just love eating these kind of salads for diner, they're super easy to make and super easy to eat. I sometimes like to bring it with me to school or work.

- romain lettuce
- iceberg lettuce
- parmigiano reggiano
- anchovy
- chicken
- eggs
- ceasar dressing
- croutons

Step 1: While grilling the chicken; cut and wash the lettuce, drain it and put it in a bowl. Add the dressing and give it a good toss.
Step 2: Boil 1 or 2 - depending on how hungry you are;) - eggs in about 8/9 minutes. 
Step 3: Add as many anchovy, parmigiano and croutons as you like. Slice up the chicken and add it on top. 
Step 4: Peel the eggs and cut them into four parts. Add them to your salad.
Step 5: Grab yourself a glass of wine and enjoy your delish salad.

What's your favourite salad?

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