zondag 26 oktober 2014

Sydney, october 2014

Hi everyone,

As I said in my last blogpost (click here) I was going to share a photo diary of my days down under. The weather has been good the last couple of days. The first 3 days was actually just traveling; we left on monday night(13th) at 21:40 and arrived on wednesday(15th) at 08:30. We were absolutely exhausted! Flying with Emirates was amazing, good food, heaps of movies to choose between and a great crew. 

I was shocked, look at the big screen! It's never things huge. 

Sending a couple of: bye, we're leaving to the sun! photo's to my mum.

Look at our excited faces!

This is what we ate on the flights, pretty good food.

DXB airport selfie!

Dubai looked sad.

BKK airport looked beautiful.

Almost there!

Better get some eye pads on before we land.

Sydney looking fab.

The weather was amazing when we arrived, not so amazing the day after: rain.

So these were just the first three days: traveling for 26 hours to get here. But I have to tell ya, it's all worth it. Tomorrow i'll be sharing day 4-7.

1 opmerking:

  1. Mag ik even huilen van jaloezie :') Ik wil zó graag terug, oz is zo fijn.
